Reset password

The steps to reset your password.  To protect your identity and data we have two stage process for resetting your password.  This will issue you with a temporary password that you should subsequently change to one that only you know.

Step 1 

From this page: click on the forgotten password link 

Step 2 - first email - request to start the process.

Check your email.  You will receive an email with a link that triggers the sending of the new password.

Step 3 - second email - receive temporary password.

Step 4 - login using the temporary password

Go the login page again enter your email and the temporary password that you just received. 

Step 5 - choose your password - recommended 

Once you have logged in using the temporary password, you should choose a new password to something that only you know.  Visit this link:

Enter the temporary password as the current password and choose something that only you know for your new password. Click save. 

Step 6 - login with your new password.

Your temporary password will no longer work.

We know that this is a tiresome sequence to follow but it is necessary to protect your data. 

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